Anthro Mini-Lecture: Angels, Demons, and Absolutism

So, I’m taking some time to develop my upcoming Anthropology of Religion syllabus a bit more and it has me thinking about my “Genesis as Myth” unit. More specifically, about my lecture-discussion on the development of (absolute) monotheism in Christianity. Although most people now take it for granted, one of the strangest developments in the…Continue reading Anthro Mini-Lecture: Angels, Demons, and Absolutism

The Rules of Engagement: Or, There is No Peer-Review in Popular Culture

Earlier this morning, while scrolling through my typical line-up of news sources, I happened across an article whose basic gist had to do with the validity of art criticism. In short, the article was a reasonably standard polemic against the existence of art critics. The author took the position that there was no standing for…Continue reading The Rules of Engagement: Or, There is No Peer-Review in Popular Culture